403 - Alpine Vista

I don't even know what to say about this shoot. It happened so fast. This shot was taken at Alpine Vista in California.

To be honest, this wasn't much of an adventure. We showed up to a rest stop, weary from the day's travels (we'd already shot Slab City this morning,) and it turned out to be one of the most epic rest stop I'd ever seen.

Just in incredible view of mountain layers in the distance, with the sun setting right next to them. It was a ridiculous scene. I'd say 95% of rest stops are absolute trash. But every once in awhile you stumble upon one that makes your day.

And that was the case with this baby:

“Electric Skyline”

Taken on Sony a7rIII + Sony 70-200mm 2.8 GM

ISO 50 ~ 200mm ~ f/3.5 ~ 1/250s

(Want a Print? Get one here.)

I mean, do I even have to say it at this point? I'm addicted to mountain layer shots. And the more I shot them, the better they get, progressively. Here's my guide for perfect layers:

First, I always like to shoot them with a zoom lens to get that full resolution, and wider than expected. This gives me more room to work with the crop.

Second, if there's a subject (in this case the powerline) make sure it's not cut off.

Third, make SURE you include the spots with the most layers. This is where the viewers eye gets drawn to.

Fourth, when editing, make sure not too pull out the shadows TOO much... That silhouette effect enhances the power of the scene. But also don't pull them down TOO dark or else you'll get just pure black. It's got to be right on the edge.

And yeah. Those are my tips for the perfect layer shot. Maybe one day I'll have a pop up gallery dedicated purely to layer shots. I probably have 5-6 solid layers shots right now.

Alright. That was a shorty session. Bye.

I’m on a mission to explore as much as humanely possible.

Want to see my progress? Check out the Adventure Map.

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404 - La Jolla Tide Pools


402 - Slab City