489 - Mule Ears

I can’t believe we did it. We made it back to the United States alive and in one piece. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WE DID IT.

As of today at 3:48PM we crossed the border. The international portion of this road trip is officially complete. Almost exactly 6 months ago we entered Mexico, drove all the way down to Nicaragua, and came back- all in a van.

First off, I want to say thanks to anyone who’s followed this journey. Even if you’ve only checked out a few adventures, it means the world. This trip has had its ups, its downs, and everything in between. Along the way I’ve taken some absolutely incredible photos, most of them exclusive  to this blog/email list. Lucky you.

But this post isn’t meant to be a sap fest. This journey has changed me in ways I can’t explain, but I’m here to announce that I’m only just getting started. 

This entire trip was an experiment in international travel. I’d spent the last couple years chasing the far corners of the USA (my home,) but I really needed to see how I would hold up in foreign countries- particularly some of the most dangerous ones in the world. From there it could only be up.

I had no idea how I was going to handle it- but I can officially say I came out on the good side… This journey was either going to make or break my passion. The funny thing is that I can already tell in a few weeks this entire trip is going to feel like some sort of fever dream. 

Since the travel bug has bitten a sheer chunk of my leg off, I think the only way to keep going is up. The plan is to stay in the USA for the next 6-9 months saving money and planning the next big international trip. We have a few ideas in mind (South America on Motorcycles, the Caribbean on a Boat, Africa in a Truck, Southeast Asia with Backpacks…) but who knows where we’ll end up.

For now, my objective is to get back to Colorado and chill the fuck out for a month. Literally lay in a bed, catch up with friends/family and watch movies. Maybe 2-3 hot showers a day in between all that. 

Then, we’ll be off to the East Coast to get back on the photography/saving money grind.

Hell ya. So close.

But I ain’t chillin’ yet. We still got to drive all the way back up to Colorado from the Mexico border, which is a 12-15 hour drive. And there’s no way we’re doing that straight. We’re gonna have to milk this trip for all it’s worth. Run my tank down to its last couple drops, if you will.

Which leads me to today’s adventure… BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK IN TEXAS.

The park we attempted to shoot in the middle of COVID-19 quarantines, but we drove all the way down only to realize it was closed. (There’s a whole vlog about that if you’re interested…)

Now it’s open, and on the way back. Well, actually it’s way out of the way, but we said fuck it and detoured. We probably won’t be this close to it again for years.

We decided our first adventure in the US would be at a mountain (or rock?) range known as the Mule Ears. I’ll skip the bullshit since this is already a long post, check out this nice simple layered shot at sunset:

“Singular Ear”

Taken on Sony a7rIII + Zeiss 24-70mm f/4

[ISO 800 ~ 70mm ~ f/10 ~ 1/200s]

(Want a Print? Get it here.)

It’s good to be home.

I probably could have gotten a more in-depth shot, but to be honest I met another landscape photographer and ended up talking his ear off instead of paying attention to sunset. You can’t blame me. It was the first English speaking photographer I’d met in months. 

But my mind caught up to me that night. I went to bed feeling like I “hadn’t given this adventure my all,” so I decided to wake up for sunrise and shoot the Mule Ears from another angle. Here’s what I landed on, from the opposite side:

“Cacti Ray-Ban”

Taken on Sony a7rIII + Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8

[ISO 1250 ~ 17mm ~ f/13 ~ 1/160s]

(Want a Print? Get it here.)

A bit more of a complex shot.

You can see the lil’ mountain range in the back that was the subject of last night’s photo. Obviously we were graced with an absolutely stunning sunrise, which was a nice welcome back.

I got a bit experimental with that photo, and decided to slip some sun rays in during the Photoshop edit. I’ve never found a use for sun rays before, until now. I think they add quite a bit more interest to the sky, especially when it is taking up almost half the shot. 

Anyway, that’s that. I'm happy to be back, but I miss Central America already. The juxtaposition of these National Parks to the ones down there is insane. So neat and tidy up here, but with so many rules. You got to pick your battles.

Alright folks, I’m gonna call it a day on this post and fall asleep under the great American moon. Fuck I’m happy to be back.

I’m on a mission to explore as much as humanely possible.

Want to see my progress? Check out the Adventure Map.

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490 - Santa Elena Canyon


488 - Cascadas Roberto Barrios