Every time I shoot, I document the session here.
Every adventure. You’ll see my photography progress with full transparency. The good days, the bad days, and the downright ugly days.
Looking for a specific shoot? Search for it below.
300 - Barr Lake
An anti-climatic 300th adventure at Barr Lake.
299 - Green Valley Overlook
Canyonlands overview!
298 - Delicate Arch
A hike to Delicate Arch for overnight photography…
297 - The Windows
All about those arches in Arches National Park in Utah!
296 - Thousand Springs State Park
Exploring a hidden gem state park in southern Iowa, known as Thousand Springs!
295 -Bruneau Sand Dunes
This is where I was hiking when I found I out I’d contracted COVID-19.
294 - Shoshone Falls
Exploring a massive waterfall comparable to Niagara Falls, in Idaho!
293 - Abandoned Tower
A story about the day I disappeared…
292 - Manitou Cliff Dwellings
Exploring the ancient Manitou Cliff Dwellings.
291 - Paint Mines
Photography in the legendary Paint Mines of Colorado!
290 - El Dorado Canyon
Hiking in El Dorado Canyon State Park near Boulder, CO.
289 - Fritzler Farm
A cheeky ghost shoot in Fritzler Farms, Colorado.
288 - Highland Arch Bridge
A Purge inspired photoshoot in Denver, CO.
287 - City Museum
Exploring the City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri!
286 - Judd Falls
Exploring Judd Falls in Crested Butte, Colorado!
285 - Three Lakes
Exploring Three Lakes in Crested Butte, Colorado!
284 - Kebler Pass
Shooting in the biggest aspen forest in Colorado, Kebler Pass!
283 - Minnie Mine
Found the one spot with yellow trees and mines in Breckenridge, Colorado!
282 - Guanella Pass
Yellow aspen tree photography on Guanella Pass in Colorado!
281 - Ah-shi-sle-pah
Exploring the barren badlands of Ah-shi-sle-pah Wilderness in New Mexico!