Every time I shoot, I document the session here.
Every adventure. You’ll see my photography progress with full transparency. The good days, the bad days, and the downright ugly days.
Looking for a specific shoot? Search for it below.
379 - Thor’s Well
This photoshoot at Thor's Well was probably the most unlucky session I've ever had. BUT... I also came away with one of my favorite photos in awhile while under extreme pressure.
378 - Devil’s Punchbowl
Oh lawdy, the Devil's Punchbowl has taken my soul. No straight up for real, I'm possessed by how goddamn beautiful this place was.
377 - Drift Creek Falls
Alright, alright, alright! We're at Drift Creek Falls today, which is a strange name for a waterfall. I immediately thought of Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift the moment I read it. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
376 - Ghost Forest
The Ghost Forest blessed us today with a blanket of creepiness. And by that I mean buckets, buckets, and more buckets of fog.
375 - Terwilliger Hot Springs
The odds were completely against us for this photography session at Terwilliger Hot Springs, but we somehow managed to pull it off.
374 - Proxy Falls
Proxy Falls was insane. There. I said it. Probably the tallest waterfall I've seen in the Pacific Northwest since Wilson Falls.
373 - Sahalie + Koosah Falls
I just took my favorite shot of all time. And it was while me and Haley were having an argument at Koosah and Sahalie Falls in Oregon.
372 - Skylight Cave
Whew! One of my favorite shoots in awhile... Mainly because it DIDN'T involve a waterfall. AKA my last (million) adventures. Today we explored the infamous Skylight Cave.
371 - Trail of Ten Falls
Ten waterfalls in eight miles? Yeah, go ahead and sign me up. Silver Falls State Park is considered the "gem" of Oregon, and rightfully so.
370 - Abiqua Falls
Oh Abiqua Falls... What will I ever do with you? Today's shoot was at -you guessed it- Abiqua Falls in Oregon. And I was sufficiently not amped for this shoot.
369 - Wahkeena Loop
The most popular waterfall in all of Oregon is just one component of this five mile hike that features 5 different waterfalls. This is the Wahkeena Trail.
368 - Panther Creek Falls
Some place you show up to photograph have a strange vibe- and that was certainly the case at Panther Creek Falls in Washington.
367 - Falls Creek Falls
Ever take your first shot then realize you're done for the day- you got everything you could ever want from the place? That's exactly what happened here at Falls Creek Falls.
366 - Duncan Creek
Now THIS was an interesting photoshoot. This is probably one of the most beautiful, lesser known areas of Washington. It's called Duncan Creek.
365 - Portland Japanese Garden
One of the most photographed trees in the world was on the menu for today's lunch out. And it resides deep in the city of Portland, Oregon- at a little place called the Japanese Garden.
364 - Airplane Home
This was probably the most quick, brainless, and cliché photo I've ever taken- and it was at an Airplane Home in the middle of nowhere.
363 - Cannon Beach
The shoot was straight up NUTTY at Cannon Beach. Started off photographing a dead animal and ended with some misty shoreline vibes.
362 - Wreck of the Peter Iredale
After that recent shoot at Cape Disappointment, I got all amped up about shooting a shipwreck. Wreck of the Peter Iredale made perfect sense.
361 - Cape Disappointment
Cape Disappoint lives up to it's name when it's covered in a foggy abyss... Or does it?
360 - Quinault Rain Forest
The Hoh Rainforest's infamous younger brother is the Quinault Rainforest, and it's different in a LOT of ways. Let's get into this, shall we?