Every time I shoot, I document the session here.
Every adventure. You’ll see my photography progress with full transparency. The good days, the bad days, and the downright ugly days.
Looking for a specific shoot? Search for it below.
499 - Greeter Falls
I need to get my shit together. For the fourth time in three years of living on the road, I ran out of gas. And this time it was in the middle of rural Tennessee.
498 - Busby Falls
Today’s adventure starts with a little bit of a bang. Or should a big bang… There were intoxicated people involved.
497 - West Meade Waterfall
It was one of those days, folks. You show up to a seemingly epic waterfall only to find sprinkles. But hey, we’re prevailing no matter what.
496 - Machine Falls
Today we visited Machine Falls, which might be the most badass name for a waterfall I’ve ever heard.
495 - Nissan Stadium
Today’s probably going to be the closest you’ll ever see me get to sports photography.
494 - The Selfie Room
Alright! Welcome back to our regular programming. (That was directed at me, not you.)
493 - White Sands
Today we explored White Sand Dunes National Park… And ironically I didn't see a single black person there.
492 - Carlsbad Caverns
Cave photography for me has slowly developed into a game of “what do you see in the inkblot?” Except this wasn’t an ordinary cave. Ohhhhh, no.
491 - Sotol Vista
I don’t normally do three shoots in one day, but I think it finally hit me that we’re almost back in civilization.
490 - Santa Elena Canyon
Today I felt like I was on acid as I explored one of the most famous places in Big Bend National Park- Santa Elena Canyon. I’m not joking. This photo I got will rock your world.
489 - Mule Ears
I can’t believe we did it. We made it back to the United States alive and in one piece. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WE DID IT.
488 - Cascadas Roberto Barrios
Today we got the worst night’s sleep I’ve ever had. I’m not joking. In the past 3 years living in a vehicle, 6 of those months in Mexico and Central America, it hasn’t been worse.
487 - Tikal
Apparently the cost of nine delicious photos is a hornet to the face. Worth it? Yes. But before I get into that, I have something on my mind I need to clear up.
486 - Ixpanpujul
Today we explored a jungle called Ixpanpujul. If you can pronounce that correctly on your first try, I’ll send you a pack of orange-grape gum.
485 - Castillo de San Felipe
Alcohol and photography don’t mix. (Although it would be especially nice if they did.) Today’s adventure was case study #100 about how many times I’ve tested out this theory.
484 - Cascadas El Paraiso
Today we made it back to Guatemala to take one of my favorite photos in a long time. The lighting was just so delicious. These are the moments I absolutely live for. But first, we had to deal with the Children of the Corn.
483 - Laguna Yure
Today we drove through San Pedro Sula, the murder capital of the world. Not out of fun, mind you. It was the only way.
482 - Pulhapanzak Waterfalls
Today I tested a new theory in the field- at one of the most elegantly massive waterfalls in all of Honduras. Can waterfalls do that? Be as fragile as a leaf in a freezer, yet simultaneously a destroyer of worlds? Why yes, they can.
481 - Cascada Blanca
Woohoo! WATERFALL MANIA!! Today felt like a trip back to Oregon. We got a recommendation from a local coffee roaster about this secret Nicaragua spot.
480 - Punta Jesus Maria
I’m just going to say it. Backpackers annoy the shiitake mushroom out of me, but not for any justifiable reason. It’s completely illogical, ridiculously selfish, and hardly worth writing this on paper.