Every time I shoot, I document the session here.
Every adventure. You’ll see my photography progress with full transparency. The good days, the bad days, and the downright ugly days.
Looking for a specific shoot? Search for it below or check out my Adventure Map.

539 - Long Dong Silver
Today I went to a rock formation named after a black British porn star from the 1970s.

538 - Moon Overlook
I’ve officially come to the logical decision that the 1969-1971 Moon landings were fake.

537 - Leprechaun Canyon
Today I explored a charming Irish landscape known as Leprechaun Canyon.

536 - Little Egypt
A tiny field ant nest rested on the side of Highway 24 in Utah, located about 30 feet off the shoulder.

535 - Mount Garfield
Today I decided to try my luck as a new age cowboy.

534 - Bear Creek
Today I’m going to dip into the alluring world of photography gear.

533 - Mosswood Overpass
All of my camera gear was stolen.

532 - Montara Beach
Today I saw a poltergeist on the beach.

531 - Japanese Tea Garden
Today I realized that a rodent was more spiritual than me.

530 - California Street
Every year in the Bay Area a magical event occurs, deemed “San Francisco Henge” by locals. Why it’s called that, Google only knows.

529 - Calla Lily Valley
Across the world, lilies traditionally symbolize purity and rebirth. This is important knowledge for this shoot. REMEMBER IT.

528 - The Waterfall Spot
At a certain point, the only way to be original is to be so unoriginal that you’re truly original. Such was the case of today’s adventure, at a waterfall proudly named “The Waterfall Spot.”

527 - Panther Beach
With a name like Panther Beach, it better have a damn good sunset.

526 - Bean Hallow
Trypophobia refers to the disgust or fear involving a pattern of holes.

525 - Alviso Marina
Today I drove halfway across the state for a photo of a bush.

524 - Harrison Street
Back at it again. I found a loophole in the system.

523 - Hyatt Regency
If an architecture bug were to exist, I imagine it would be diamond shaped. White, perhaps. With 4 black legs that can bend, allowing it to lay perfectly flat. Almost like a leaf bug, but with a modern, minimalist aesthetic.

522 - The Embarcadero
Today I finally understood why, since 2012, there have been over 230,000 reports of human feces reported on the streets of San Francisco.

521 - Mechanic’s Institute
Today’s adventure was inspired by rotini. Not because I’d eaten it recently. Or even thought about it lately, for that matter.

520 -Bay Bridge
I know you’re reading that title thinking “this dude runs out of gas more than my autistic 16 year old nephew…”